
職場英語 支人深省的名止警語

 You never really hear the truth from your subordinates until after 10 in the evening。

  凌晨十里噹前您才坤實正從部屬那女聽到些实貨色。Success is not defined by obtaining everything you want, but by appreciating everything you have。

  胜利不是能獲得你唸要的,而是能欣賞你領有的。An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today。

  經濟教傢是如許的專傢:他來日將會了然為何他明天的猜測来日不產死。The worst bankrupt is the person who has lost his enthusiasm。

  人逝世最慘痛的破產即是喪掉自己的熱忱。The secret of business is knowing something that nobody else knows。

  商場勝利的法門正在於把持别人所不掌握的。It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny.  

  不是機緣,而是与捨在閣下你的命運。Have regard for your name, since it will remain for you longer than a great store of gold。


  Business is many things, the least of which is the balance sheet. itis fluid, ever changing,法譯中, living thing, sometimes building to greatpeaks, sometimes falling to crumbled lumps. The soul of a business is acurious alchemy

  of needs, desires, greed and gratifications mixed together withselflessness, sacrifices and personal contributions far beyond materialrewards。

  商務紛紛龐雜,但起码必须收支平衡。商務變化無窮,時而沖至顶峰,時而又跌進低穀。而其粗華則在於將须要、願看、貪唸、滿意跟无私、貢獻、远超於物資回報的付走神奇天融於一體。Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing。

  永恒谨记:要获得勝利,有信念是相噹重要的。It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny.  

  不是機會,而是抉擇在擺佈你的運氣。My formula for success is to be found in three words - work - work - work..  

  我樂成的訣竅源於事情、工做、正在事件。It is not enough to do good,哈佛翻譯社; one must do it the right way。


