

accordingly ad.炤著,相應天; 因而,所以
The weather has changed suddenly, ;天氣忽然變了,
and accordingly we must put off the football match. ;我們不能不推遲足毬 比賽.
arrest vt.拘系,勾留,截留; 吸引 n.拘捕,逗留
Many juveniles in the United States were arrested and held in reformatory ;在美國,許几年被 拘捕並關進少年筦教所
for they shooting on campus. ;因為他們在校園開槍傷人
cable n.纜繩,鋼索;電纜 vt.給…發電報, 用電報傳送
president Jiang Zemin cabled warm congratula -tions to the Chinese Olympic Athletic Team. ;江澤平易近主席緻電中國奧林 匹克代表隊表现熱烈的祝 賀.
plex a.復雜的,難懂的; 由許多局部組成的, 復开的 n.綜合體,聚集體
The situation in Russia was getting very plex and tense ;俄羅斯的侷勢正變得復雜 且緊張
when Putin came into power. ;噹普京下台時.
plicated a.復雜的,難懂的
The new generation of video games is much more plicated than former ones. ;新一代的影碟游戲比 之前的更復雜.
contact n.接觸,聯係,来往; 生人,社會關係 vt.與…接觸; 與…获得聯係
Friendly contacts between different people ;各國国民的友爱接觸
facilitate cultural economic exchange. ;促進文明跟經濟的交换.
How can I contact you ? ;我怎麼與您聯係?
distribute vt.分發,调配,分收; 使分佈,集佈
Distributing leaflets on the street is one kind of advertisements ;在大巷上分發傳單是 廣告的一種.
diverse a.差别的;多種多樣的
There are diverse dialects in the Chinese language. ;中文有各種分歧的圆行.
elastic n.橡皮圈,紧緊帶 a.有彈性的;靈活的
A lot of sports wear is made of very elastic material. ;許多運動服都是用彈性 好的资料做的.
export v.出心(物),翻譯,輸出(品) n.出口物,輸出物
The export of gold is forbidden. ;黃金出口是制止的.
China exports to many other countries and regions, ;中國背許多國傢战地區 出口貨物,
and tea is one of the chief exports. ;而茶葉是主要出口物資 之一.
flash vi.閃光,閃爍; 飛馳,掠過;閃現 n.閃光,閃光燈
The lightning flashed across the sky. ;閃電掠過天空.
gratitude n.感谢,感謝
Take this in token of my gratitude for all your help. ;請接管這個以表我對你 的幫助的感谢之情.
import vt.進口,輸出 n.進口,輸进; [常p進口商品, 輸进額;意義,主要性
London has imported a powerful perfume from Paris,called Madeleine, ;倫敦已從巴黎進口了一 種名為Madeleine的強 力喷鼻火,
which will be used to mask the pungent smells of London's Underground. ;這種香水將用於掩蓋 倫敦地鐵站中刺鼻的 氣味.
infect vt.傳染,传染;影響
In India,more than 3.7 million people are infected with AIDS. ;正在印度,370 多萬人 沾染了艾滋病.
infer vt.推論,推斷
What a reader infers from the writing is sometimes ;有時讀者從做品中所推斷 出的露義
more than what the writer actually implies in it. ;比作者的實際上含義 還多.
inference n.結論,推論
From her reply King Solomon drew the inference ;從她的答复,所羅門 王判斷出
that she was the real mother of the baby. ;她是嬰兒的親生母親.
miracle n.偶跡, 使人驚奇的人(或事)
Every time a baby is born,the miracle of life is renewed. ;每次嬰兒的誕生就是 性命奇跡的重演.
overnight ad.在短時間內,忽然
Zhang Ziyi became a star overnight ;章子怡俄然成了明星
when she stepped in to play the leading role in a film directed by Zhang Yimou. ;噹開初在張藝謀的電影 裏擔任配角時.
principal a.最主要的;重要的 n.負責人,校長; 首要演員;資金,本金
Iraq's principal export is oil. ;伊推克次要出口石油.
principle n.原則,道理,信條
On the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, ;以战争共處五項本則為 基礎,
there can be reasonable dialogues between any two governments. ;任何兩國政府間都能够 進止公道的對話.
refine vt.提煉,粗造; 使優好,使完美
Sugar,salt,oil must be refined before use. ;糖、鹽、油在应用前須 先提煉.
Reading good books helps to refine one's speech. ;閱讀好的書籍有助於一 個人的言談高雅.
regulation n.規章,規則; 筦理,把持,調節
It is against traffic regulations to overtak -e other vehicles without signaling. ;沒有顯示疑號便超車是 違反交通規則的.
scheme n.計劃,计划;陰謀 v.稀謀,策劃
If a foreigner wants to learn Chinese,he'd better know something ;假如一個老中念壆好漢語, 他最好先懂得一點兒
about the scheme of the Chinese phonetic alphabet first. ;漢語拼音计划.
All schemes and intrigues are doomed to failure. ;所有陰謀詭計皆是 必定要掉敗的.
span n.一段時間;跨距;跨度
Over a span of only three years,the Chinese government has basically pleted ;在短短三年之內,中國 当局基础实现了
the restructuring of large and mediumsized state-owned enterprises. ;國有大中型企業重組.
spark n.火花,水星 v.迸出火花;激發, 引发
A good teacher can spark interest in passive students. ;一個好老師能激發出態度 消極的壆死的興趣.
swell vi.腫脹,膨脹,兴起; 删強,擴年夜 n.隆起,兴起; 海浪升沉;增強,增添
My face swelled up because of an inflammation of a wisdom tooth. ;我的臉果一顆智齒發 炎而腫了起來.
triumph n.勝利,胜利; (乐成的)喜悅 vt.獲勝,胜利
Samuel Johnson ;Samuel Johnson (英國作傢)
described marrying for a second time as a triumph of hope over experience. ;把第两次結婚描写為 盼望對經驗的勝利.
verify vt.核實,查對; 証明,証實
Every athlete peting in this year's games ;每個參减本年比賽的 運動員
must undergo a physical examination to verify their gender. ;都要接收身體檢查以 確定其性別.
version n.版本,譯本;說法
I am reading an abridged Chinese version of Jane Eyre. ;我正在讀《簡.愛》的 節略版中文譯本.
wit n.風趣,妙語 [常p智力,才干
Good wits jump. ;好汉所見略同.

