



奢侈品資源是天然資本中的一種。一個皆會不論是由国外还是海內的獲得這項資本時,奢侈品城市發死笑颜而使得安寧的國平易近變得快乐。而奢糜品 能够發生僟笑脸基礎上是與決於都会內是不是是有市場。


It was only a year or so ago that the concept of affordable luxury meant a Coach bag, Tiffany bauble or Starbucks latte. Since then, the recession has defined splurging downward to the price level of a can of soda, pack of gum or candy bar.

That is why many marketers of those prosaic products are still spending like it's 2007 when it comes to advertising. For instance, both Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola recently came out with new campaigns, as did several gum brands, among them Ice Breakers.

Another case in point is the confectionery behemoth Mars, which is introducing a major campaign for its best-selling candy brand, Snickers, that is centered on a make-believe language called Snacklish.

"Our competitive set is moving ahead, so we can't afford to pull back," said Carole Walker, vice president for integrated marketing communications at the Mars Snackfood U.S. division of Mars in Hackettstown, New Jersey

The Snickers campaign, by the New York office of TBWA/Chiat/Day, is being rolled out in stages. The initial phase,翻譯, which gets under way this week, includes outdoor ads and content on the Snickers Web site (snickers.com) as well as Facebook.

Television commercials are scheduled to begin appearing next week. And there will be more content on snickers.com in the spring, including a way to translate regular language into the Snickers lingo.

Snacklish is a humorous way of speaking that revises everyday words and phrases for a Snickers-centric world. To underscore their origin, they are printed in the typeface and colors of the Snickers brand logo.

