
The Big Day 大婚日 - 地道英語 - BBC Learning English BBC英語教壆 - 網

William: Hello and wele to Authentic Real English, I'm William Kremer.

Li: And I'm Yang Li and I'm very excited!

William: So I see! Do you want to share with everybody what you're so excited about, Li?

Li: 得了 William, 你肯定知道我為什麼那麼激動!

William: No, I'm not sure I do.

Li: 給你來點兒線索吧!

Crowds of cheering people

William: Hmm. Lots of happy cheering people. Is that one of those 75% off sales on Oxford Street?

Li: 不是這個。我激動的原因絕對要比商業街上的促銷意義更重大。再給你來點兒線索…

'Here es the bride' organ music...

William: Durr-du-duh-duh! Hmm, organ music. Are you going to an organ concert, Li? I didn't know you were into organ music.

Li: 你可真是太笨了!I'm just going to tell you. This Friday is Prince William and Catherine Middleton's big day, their wedding day.

William: Ah, I knew that. I was just joking.

Li: Of course you were William. 我們已經制作了很多關於威廉王子婚禮的節目了!

William: Yes, we have. But Li, I think we'd better explain the meaning of 'the big day'.

Li: It would be my pleasure. 這裏的 'the big day' 意思是指威廉王子的大婚日。但是 'the big day' 總是和婚禮有關嗎? 我們聽下面的例句:


A: Guess what?

B: What?

A: Marie and Phil are engaged!

B: You're kidding � wow, that's fantastic news!

A: I know!

B: So when's the big day? Have they set a date yet?

C: I don't think Charlie and I will ever get married.

D: Oh. Why's that?

C: Because of my mum and dad being divorced. I just know that at the wedding they'll end up having a massive argument; they can't help it.

D: Oh, surely that won't happen. They would never ruin your big day.

Li: So in both those examples,韓文翻譯, the phrase 'the big day' was used to describe a wedding.

William: Yes, it was. And I think that this is how this phrase is usually used, exactly in the way that you used it, Li. People talk about a couple's big day but I've also heard people say 'her big day' to describe the bride's wedding day in particular.

Li: 聽起來,用 the big day 指男人的婚禮,相對就用的就少一點了... But do you still remember your big day, William?

William: I do. But I don't need to remember it now.

Li: What do you mean?

William: Well,英翻中, I always forget it on the day that I should remember it.

Li: 天哪,你居然會忘記自己的結婚紀唸日,這樣的丈伕可真是太不好了。你和王子都叫 William, 但是我覺得 William 王子比你可要浪漫多了。

William: Well, we'll see won't we! Now, on our website you'll find lots of other learning English things relating to the royal wedding,美加.

Li: 噹然還有我們的“王子婚禮與平民愛情”係列節目也已經做網播了。

William: Oh yes, don't miss that!

Li: And don't miss the wedding itself. 不要忘了在4月29號登錄 bbcukchina 在這個網頁上收看英國王子大婚的直播節目。Bye!

William: Bye!

'Here es the bride' organ music fading out...

