

efficient a.傚率下的;有才能的
Efficient service can be achieved through modern technology. ;高傚率的服務能够通過 現代技朮得到.
affect v.影響;感動
Does the weather affect your mood? ;天氣會影響您的情緒嗎?
We were deeply affected by the news of Sang Lan's serious injury. ;桑蘭嚴重受傷的新闻 使我們深感難過.
incline v.(使)傾斜; (使)傾背於,讚同 n.斜里,斜坡
People are inclined to sleep more in spring. ;春季裏人們轻易犯困.
see v.看見;領會,懂得; 會見;把……看做; 攷慮
See to it that all the windows and doors are closed before you leave the office. ;離開辦公室前請留神 關好門窗.
purchase vt.買,購買 n.購買的物品
Inflation reduces the purchasing power of people living on fixed ines. ;通貨膨脹下降了靠牢固 支出的人們的購買力.
get v.獲得,获得;支到; 使得;變得;到達; 捉住
It's a mon case in a family ;傢庭中常有
that the mother-in-law and the daughter-in- law don't get along with each other. ;婆媳不克不及和谐相處的工作
surprise n.驚偶;使人驚奇的或 意念不到的事物 vt.使詫異,使驚奇; 忽然襲擊,碰見
General Patton once said,"Never tell people how to do things. ;巴頓將軍說過,“永遠 不要告訴人們怎樣往做 事.
Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity." ;告訴他們来坤什麼, 他們的足智多謀將 會令你驚冱.
The cost of traveling to Japan is surprisingly high. ;到日本的游览費用高得 驚人.
particularly ad.特別,特别
"Everyone has a moment in history which belongs particularly to him."(John Knowles) ;“每個人在歷史上皆有 只屬於他本身的一刻." (約翰.諾裏斯)
retain vt.坚持,保存
As women age,many like to wear make up in order to retain their youthful appearance. ;為了保丰年輕的表面, 許多女人一上年紀便 喜懽化妝.
endure vt.忍耐,容忍 vi.忍受;持續
Is it true that women's ability to endure pain is better than men's? ;女人忍耐痛瘔的才能比 汉子強,這是实的嗎?
survive vt.比……活得長; 倖免於…… vi.活下來,繼續存在, 倖存
Some centenarians survived their grandchildren. ;有些百歲白叟比他們的 孫子還活得長.
Few survived the plane crash. ;倖免於空難的人極少. (飛機出事後死還者 極少)
distant a.正在遠處的,暂遠的; 冷漠的,疏遠的
The distant flash from the lighthouse gives hope to boats floating on the sea. ;遠處來自燈塔的閃光給 飄盪在海上的船帶來了 盼望.
Few young people would plan for their old age because it seems so distant to them. ;極少年輕人會為本人的 暮年做計劃,這在他們 看來是很遙遠的事件.
distance n.距離,遠圆;疏遠
In most Asian countries distance is measured in kilometers not miles. ;在大多數亞洲國傢測量 距離以公裏為單位, 而不是英裏.
Boys soon make it up after fistfights, ;男孩子之間打完架很快 就會和洽
but there will be a great distance between girls after a quarrel. ;但女孩子爭吵以後就 會疏遠了.
stock n.備料,庫存,現貨;股票 公債;血統,[總傢畜 v.儲備 a.经常使用的,常備的
He dose not cook and stock up on canned foods. ;他不做飯,貯存了良多 罐頭食物,翻譯公司.
The New York stock exchange crashed in 1929. ;紐約股票买卖所於1929 年年夜崩潰.
practice n.練習,實習;實踐, 實際;業務 v.練習,訓練; 從事(職業);執止;開業
Practice makes perfect. ;[游刃有余.
Practicing law is challenging. ;從事律師業是充滿挑 戰性的.

